We Are Social is by far the most forward-thinking agency I have worked at,
constantly interacting with the wider agency world and hunting for new collaborations. The agency is all about self-promotion and internal development,
below are a few projects aimed at doing just that.



Created as an invite to WAS’s FMCG social conference, Emojio’s were loved so much by attendees and clients that many suggested we should make them a reality.

How do you get the attention of the world’s most socially aware burger brand? Simply send them a Social Whooper filled with insights and data to capture their imagination.


Ok, even I thought this one was a bit out there / ‘me too’. Developed on a ‘Hack Day’ for a potential client ‘Humper’ allowed Twitter users to take control of bunnies, meet and even hump other bunnies/users in a virtual world.