The unexpected bank – First Direct truly understand the benefit of social and have always trusted We Are Social to make out there and groundbreaking work. Truley loved working on this account.




If you think a wearable that electrocutes you into keeping your spending in check sounds too good to be true, you’d be right. After the success of our previous April Fools’ gag, we were asked to go bigger and better so not only did we create a film but we made prototypes and sent them out to influencers to review.

The campaign’s content was split into three phases which were intended to tease, launch, and reveal the April Fools’ gag. From shocking gif’s to product ads and influencer reviews we certainly went all in.

First Direct even gave us access to their website – fools. The site’s traffic increased dramatically during the campaign with customers actually calling to try to reserve the product. We should have made this a reality – although I’d be dead due to the number of electric shocks I’d receive.



Who doesn’t love a Christmas jumper? As a reward to First Direct customers, we created custom Christmas knits to wish our customers a #MerryKnitmas. Users simply had to comment on our posts with a photo of themself and our team of elves did the rest.



Before Mr Bingo became untouchable by brands we got him drawing to promote First Directs new saving accounts. Saving cups calculated how many cups of coffee you’d have to forfeit for your dreams to come true.




Not many banks could pull off an April Fools’ gag let alone encourage a shitload of swearing but our client was so happy with the results they’ve made the prank a regular feature.